Recruit Individuals for Asset Management Roles
Getting an asset management program off the ground or increasing the maturity of an already existing program may require recruiting individuals to fill specific roles. Recruiting can be undertaken by the TAM champion, TAM lead, or other individuals invested in the success of the TAM program. This How-To Guide describes five steps to help the recruiting process go smoothly and effectively meet the needs of the agency.
Determine the roles needed in the TAM program
Agency staff can use the list of TAM roles and the checklist on the next page to assess the needs of the asset management program.
Determine the competencies and desirable attributes for the particular roles the agency aims to fill
Note that all positions do not require all competencies. Agencies can narrow the list to the specific competencies required for the roles available.
Determine if the role should be filled by someone internal or external to the agency
Looking at the list of competencies and desirable attributes, is it possible to convert someone from a different area of the agency to fill the role? Can an external, new individual learn on the job or does the role require particular skills and knowledge from within the agency? Alternatively, can the role be filled by a short-term consultant? Note that the missing role may already be done by people in the agency, but perhaps without an explicit connection to the TAM program or group. In this case, these individuals should be formally included as part of the TAM team, but may not need to change departments or jobs.
Develop role descriptions
Agencies should consider what asset managers value in a place of work and incorporate these into the descriptions. The job description should attract the type of person the agency is ultimately looking for, so including information on the competencies and desirable attributes is key. Agencies can utilize the job descriptions available on the AASHTO Organizational Capabilities Management Portal that was developed through NCHRP 20-24(95) for TAM-related positions. If an agency develops new descriptions for positions, it can in turn share these through the portal.
Advertise the role and fill the need
An agency can recruit internally, advertise the role with external networks, or hire a consultant to fill the need. It is important to convey the overall mission or goal of asset management for the agency. If filling the need simply means making an explicit connection between asset management and a function already performed within the agency, then it is important to convey to the individual how their work impacts the asset management program processes.