1 Process for Adding New Asset Data

Process for Adding New Asset Data / Ohio DOT

Ohio DOT has established a standard process for adding a new asset to their inventory. As illustrated in the flowchart below, the process has three stages – (1) Asset Overview, where the request is submitted, evaluated, and approved, (2) Requirements, in which business and technical requirements for collecting and managing the new data are documented, and (3) Application Development, where the technology solution is developed either in-house (using standard tools), via contract (for custom development) or through acquisition of a commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) package.

As part of the TAM Audit Group workflow shown in the figure, ODOT has introduced over 693,000 active ancillary assets into their inventory.

Ohio DOT TAM Audit Group Workflow Diagram

Source: Ohio DOT. 2019

Read more in the chapter: 7.4.2 Data Governance Practices Supporting TAM